Concert number 8, Wallowa Lake State Park; Chief Joseph, Oregon

This concert was amazing. One of the most well attended, it also had several magical moments. Most memorable was the local piano teacher who was reluctant to come to the concert. Before the show, as I helped her to her to her seat beneath a large tree, she assured me the she skeptical as to our motivations in dragging around, setting up, tuning and performing FREE concerts on a vintage concert Steinway. Why would you do this? What’s the angle? She asked.  

After the concert she told me about how she was so moved by hunter’s interpretation of Chopin’s 2nd sonata (he played the middle section slower than she had ever heard anyone or thought to play it before) that she was going to go home and pull out the piece in order to try and get the feeling a Hunter conveyed. She continued, saying she was a bit embarrassed for being so immediately skeptical of the intentions behind bringing music usually stuck in the concert hall out to people who, mostly, haven’t heard it before. I’m so grateful she told me this. This felt like the trust testament to the power of music and to hear it articulate back to me, from the most respected piano teacher in the area, was like a heaven sent gift. 

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